Category Archives: Sewage spill

Belle Isle Residents Association meet tonight

The Belle Isle Residents Association meets tonight on Zoom at 6:30 p.m., and as previously shared, the head of Miami Beach Public Works, Joe Gomez, will be taking questions, and new officers will be elected.

From BIRA:

The Belle Isle Residents Association will hold its Annual Meeting Thursday, February 10th at 6:30pm. The meeting will be virtual on Zoom and is open to all residents.

We are delighted to have City of Miami Beach Director of Public Works Joe Gomez as our guest speaker.

We will elect our board members, share BIRA’s goals for 2022 and take your questions about neighborhood issues.

To join the meeting, you need to pre-register by going to:

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions and a link to join the meeting where you will have an opportunity to ask the Director of Public Works a question. We will also take questions live during the meeting.

Exploding sewer lines, road improvements, our parks…Find out what’s next for Belle Isle

City Public Works contractors on Alton Road and 17th Street, dealing with sewer issues.

If you want to know why we keep seeing traffic barricades, tanker trucks and warnings about sewage in the bay near our neighborhood, Joe Gomez is the person to ask.

The Belle Isle Residents Association holds its annual meeting Thursday night at 6:30 p.m., and Gomez, the head of Miami Beach Public Works, will be addressing neighborhood issues and taking questions.

During the last several months, we’ve had sewer failures on almost a regular basis, resulting in road closures and environmental warnings.

The meeting is virtual, and will include the election of new officers for the residents association.

You can register at, and that will enable you to send questions that can be asked of Gomez as well as the association board.